Thursday, July 8, 2010

Putnam's Killer Sangria

Many thanks to everyone who made our Summer Solstice Party a huge success and, in the process, helped raise proceeds for Growing Hope.

As most who attended will attest, our very own Putnam Weekly came up with one stellar sangria recipe, which he's been generous enough to let us share. For more of Putnam's particular brand of genius, check out his website.

25 oz. (1 bottle) red wine
6 oz. FRESH SQEEZ'D orange juice
5 oz. unsweetened pineapple juice
4 oz. triple sec
2 oz. lime juice
1.5 oz. decent brandy (christian bros, vsop, pisco, vs cognac etc.)
1.5 oz. carpano antica
1 oz. simple syrup (2 fluid oz. sugar + 1 oz. water)

Add the fruit of your choice (strawberries, limes, mangos, whatever)

Yes, the secret ingredient is the Carpano Antica, available at Everyday Wines. It comes in a big bottle, but don't worry, you'll find plenty of good uses for it.

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