Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's Final -- City will keep Liquor License

Hello, everyone. Well, we had one more shot at the liquor license last night. Unfortunately, we thanked Marcia Higgins too soon for her support. She was an unknown, but we really thought she was going to support local business. Unfortunately, she went the other way.

However, the others on the list were fabulous and we thank them for their efforts and support.

On a more positive note...

March Cooking Classes will be posted soon. We do still have some spots available in the March 12 Vegetarian Cooking Class.

the everyday cook & everyday wines team


Tiffany Spronk said...

Please, please, please....will you be offering a Meat 101 Boot Camp in March?

Dave said...

You got it, Tiffany. We do take requests, so if you have a class you'd like us to schedule, just say the word.

Tiffany Spronk said...

Wonderful! Since you said we can request, is it possible to schedule the Meat 101 class for Sunday, April 27th? My mom will be in town that day and would love to join me.

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